Cats #44: Gimel Before My Trip

This Instagram of Gimel on a throw on my suitcase was taken a few days ago. Onto my vacation I go!
(The lack of recent posts has been due to a combination of reasons including painting my nails a solid color or a repeat design a few weeks in a row. After my vacation and some apartment hunting you can expect regular posts again in 2014.)

Cats #43: Sunlight

I took this Instagram picture of Gimel a couple of months ago. She was really happy to be in the sun and reached her arms out into it.

Cat’s #42: Gimel’s Nose

Here’s an Instagram close-up I took of Gimel a couple of weeks ago. I always liked this coloring on cats noses.

Cats #41: Bedtime

I took this Instagram picture last night. Galaxy often sleeps holding Gimel.

Cats #40: Gimel Cleaning Galaxy’s Head

Here’s another Instagram picture from some months ago of Gimel cleaning Galaxy’s head.

Cats #39: Together

Here’s another old one of Galaxy and Gimel posed together about 6 months or so ago.

Cats #38: Pondering Pose

Here is a cute Instagram picture I took of Gimel pondering things in life, last weekend.

Cats #37: Ketchup Face

So, last week I noticed some ketchup was dried at the top of the ketchup bottle and I thought if I squeezed it just a little bit I could get rid of it, before squeezing some out onto my plate…Yeah, it shot out, across the table and onto Gimel’s face. I couldn’t stop laughing and took a picture before cleaning it all up. Gimel was not amused. That’ll teach her not to peer over the edge of the table when I’m eating!

Cats #36: Caption Needed

I really like this picture of Gimel that I took on Sunday. It’s a funny expression that needs a caption: Leave one in a comment!

Cats #35: Pretend Dog

The day before yesterday Galaxy posed as a dog, panting with his paw up. Or you know, it just looks that way in the picture when I caught him at that moment =P

Cats #34: Mostly In Box

This is how I came home from work to find Gimel a couple of weeks ago. No, she’s not in motion, getting into the box, she gave up mid-way and decided to sit in it like this.

Cats #33: In A Drawer

When I decided to reorganize my clothes a couple of months ago, Galaxy found this drawer about 30 seconds after I’d emptied it. I wonder what my life would be like if I got what cats got out of being in boxes/small contained spaces.

Cats #31: Using My Laptop

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You know that awkward moment when you catch your cat using your laptop to browse the internet in the middle of the night? I caught Galaxy in these pictures a few months ago. Happens all the time…

Cats #29: Surprised Galaxy

My friends on FaceBook are calling today National Cat Day. This is Galaxy’s reaction. (Okay, this was actually taken a few months ago, but its still a funny expression.)

Cats #28: Galaxy’s Funniest

Just to be clear, this is probably the funniest picture of Galaxy I have ever taken and yes I’m sure he’s embarrassed it’s on the internet.

Cats #27: Galaxy Cleaning Paw

This is an old shot of Galaxy I took when he was probably less than a year old. I always liked the detail of his tongue and funny face.

Cats #25: Gimel Tease

Today is Gimel’s 1st birthday. Here she is when she was smaller teasing the camera with her tongue out, next to Galaxy.

Cats #24: Hungover

This is why you don’t let your cats stay out late drinking. (Okay, Galaxy wasn’t really drinking, but I thought it was fitting the way he was passed out-looking on my bed.) I took this picture a year or so ago.

Cats #23: Toilet Draped W/ Cat

This is another Instagram picture I took earlier this year when I found Gimel taking a sun-bath on the toilet.

Cats #22: Bath Time

I decided to go backwards again for today’s dose of cats. As you can tell Gimel’s a kitten in this Instagram picture I took earlier this year. She often sits by Galaxy when she decides it’s time for a bath. He usually gets the message.

Cats #21: Gimel Steals Laptop

This is an Instagram picture I took a couple of weeks ago showing that Gimel is clearly the one guilty of stealing my laptop.

Cats #18: Galaxy Hugging Gimel

Here’s an Instagram picture I took from when Gimel was more kitten-small, earlier this year. Yep, my cats hug, kiss, cuddle, and clean each other constantly. Adorable-overload-stuff…

Cats #16: Galaxy Loving Gimel

These are Instagram pictures I took of Galaxy and Gimel last month. They’re often cleaning each other and Galaxy decided it would be a good idea to clean Gimel’s face while she was trying to sleep.

Cats #12: Gimel Spayed

When Gimel was spayed earlier this year Galaxy took some time to get used to her cone. Once she came home from the operation the first couple of days Galaxy acted as if he’d never seen her before. He didn’t recognize her smell or the cone on her head and there was a lot of growling and hissing. She’d try to rub against him and he’d resist. Eventually she grew on him all over again and that’s when I snapped this Instagram picture.

Cats #11: Funny Gimel

This is an Instagram picture I took of Gimel a few months ago. I thought it was an amusing pose.

Cats #9: PomPom

Gimel is obsessed with craft pompoms. She growls if Galaxy comes near her while she has one (though he could care less about them) and runs around the house like she’s on catnip when she comes across one. This is a picture of her as a kitten, rescuing one from a decretive arch at the bottom of my desk. She squeezed under and I snapped a picture of her as she popped her head back out upon retrieval.

Cats #8: Printer

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Here we find Gimel mesmerized by my printer spitting out a picture of herself, a couple of months ago. The print-out now sits in a frame on my desk at my office, and Gimel is now sitting next to me. Are your cats fascinated by printers as well?

Cats #7: Dancing

Here we have Galaxy dancing to the music in his head the first day I brought him home in March of 2011. (Yes, I’m the one who added the thought bubble.)

Cats #6: Zombie

Here is another picture of Galaxy when I first brought him home in March of 2011. (Yes, I added the caption.)

Cats #2: Finally Friends

When I first brought Gimel (gray tabby) into my home last December, Galaxy (orange tabby) wasn’t too thrilled about the idea. It took a few days, and a lot of hissing and growling, but they finally started to get along. This is one of the first Instagram pictures I took of them after they started sleeping together.

Cats #1: Meet Galaxy & Gimel

Galaxy & Gimel
Meet my cats, Galaxy (orange tabby) and Gimel (grey tabby.) This is a relatively old Instagram picture of them, as Gimel will be one year old October 25th of this year. Galaxy turns three January 12th, 2014. I always thought this picture looked like they were posing for a family portrait.

NailsCatsMore Introductory Post

I’ve had anonymous blogs, but this is probably my first public one. I have a private Instagram account I use to document designs I paint on my nails, my attempts at cooking, and share a lot of pictures of my cats. I’ve been thinking that these pictures don’t need to be kept private amongst the others I prefer to be, and so I’ve created this public blog. Here’s what to expect:

Nails Designs
I paint my nails about once a week and usually add some sort of design to them. Most of the designs are my own creation, but sometimes I use someone else’s idea or a tutorial to replicate it. I will credit and source those creative people when necessary. If you recognize any nail art I called my own, please keep in mind it’s pure coincidence it exists elsewhere.

I have two cats named Galaxy (orange tabby) and Gimel (grey tabby.) They’re very photogenic (especially Gimel) so I wind up taking a lot of pictures of them. I’ll be posting the cute, funny, and artistic pictures of them in-between my weekly nail designs.

From time to time I make attempts at cooking. I’m still pretty new to the world away from microwavable dinners and ordering in, so I document all my attempts. Once in a while the experiments are all my own, but I usually find recipes on Pinterest and will share them/give credit where deserved. In addition to that I sometimes take pictures of everything else in the world, find funny/interesting things on the internet, or like to share my opinion/ideas on things. These kinds of posts seem to be inevitable, and great for in-between filler on days when my nails aren’t painted, my cats do nothing of interest, and I’ve ordered in -But the details will be limited as I’m keeping this public. Don’t expect many of my deep thoughts, feelings, and very controversial or personal encounters with the world to be exposed here.

And feel free to share anything I post here, but please give me credit for anything that is my own!